URBANSPACE Planning CONSULTANT (UPC) is an indigenous firm of consulting Town Planners founded in 2008. It is a limited liability company with specialization in Urban Architecture and Development Consultancy. Given that desired atmosphere for effective prompt project delivery, the main focus of our firm is provision of professional consultancy services for the following:

  • Land Use/Infrastructure Planning Services and Urban Regeneration Services

  • Town Planning Advisory, Advocacy and Permit Procurement

  • Impact Assessment and Baseline Studies

  • GIS and Mapping Services

  • Project Development and Management Services

Our operation stems from the need to promote the interest of our clients in the physical development matters by offering an efficient consultancy services that will ensure the emergence of sustainable development within the totality of the built environment. We also acknowledge that our services depend on the ingenuity, creativity and integrity of the people within our organization.

Therefore, we do not only ensure that our operation is a well-defined professional practice guided by the required necessities to offer unparalleled services to our clients, we also empower the people within our organization and believe in their inherent abilities, embrace their individual differences and enable them to work with a multi-talented team in order for the firm to deliver unparalleled services to our clients.

URBANSPACE Planning Consultant is a registered Town Planning Consultant by Town Planners Registration Council (TOPREC), member of the Association of Town Planning Consultants (ATOPCON) and accredited Environmental Consultant by the Federal Ministry of Environment (FMEnv.), National Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency (NESREA) and Lagos State Environmental protection Agency (LASEPA).